Temple Mount
#234925 / vu 4048 foisArabs stage violent Demostration on the Temple Mount,
Sacred site to all of three Religions,Another hot spot,Herod's Temple,Destroyed by the Romans some reason,Muslim built to The Dome of the Rock on the site in 690....
Now Temple Mounth faithful want to turn to clock back 516 BC.
and Building Herod's Temple,Clearly Putting stick inside Beehive,
The Haram al-Sharif,Dome of the Rock,Aqsa Mosque,Wailing Wall,King Solomon,Abraham,Ben Netanyahu,Jerusalem,Al Kuddus,Jordan,Cruades,Jewish Diaspora,The Torah,The Rabbis,Sabbath,Yom Kibbur,Ramadan,Halal Meat,jesus,Ultra-Orthodox,Kosher,etc..
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Commentaires (3)
JotKa, au 15. November 2014 aviser repondre applause 0
zenundsenf, au 14. November 2014 aviser repondre applause 0
edda von sinnen, au 14. November 2014 aviser repondre applause 0