Zogu Hijet Mbreterore ne Tirane
#210480 / vu 4684 foisOn the outbreak of World War I, Albania had no effective government until 1925, when Ahmet Zogu seized power. In 1928 Zogu proclaimed himself to be King Zog I. Zog's comic-opera reign ended in April 1939 when he emptied the albanian treasure out of the bank and flew away just the day fascist Italy invaded and annexed Albania
Me shperthimin e Luftes se Pare Boterore, Shqiperia nuk kishte qeveri efektive deri me 1925, kur Ahmet Zogu mori pushtetin. Ne vitin 1928 Zogu shpalli veten Mbreti Zog I. Komedia e mbreterimit te Zogut perfundoi ne prill 1939, kur ai zbrazi banken shqipetare dhe fluturoi tamam ne diten qe Italia fashiste pushtoi dhe aneksoi Shqiperine
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