The Role of Rare Earth Metals
#337086 / vu 3325 foisVice Prime Minister Liu communicated that China considers restrictions on the export of rare earth metals.
Politique » National/Domestic International Finances Economy & Money Technology Conflicts & War Politicians Democracy
Commentaires (4)
Erl, au 03. June 2019 aviser repondre applause 0
Dear Stephan,
Chinese are smart for trade.
But D.Trump is not silly..
'not silly?' I think his proceeding uses to be one-dimensional - I think he has a deficit to consider complex mechanisms of action (branching and backlashes);
he might be cunning (DE: bauernschlau) but not intellectually wise or sage!
Barthold, au 02. June 2019 aviser repondre applause 0
Chinese are smart for trade.
But D.Trump is not silly..
gungor, au 02. June 2019 aviser repondre applause 0
markus-grolik, au 31. May 2019 aviser repondre applause 1