Sewage Italy
#26094 / vu 7256 foisRacism,fascism,corruption, camorra,mafia,ignorance....and more more this is sewage Italy, in italian "Fogna Italia" name so close to the name of Berlusconi's party "Forza Italia"!!
italyitaliensilvio berlusconikorruptionmafiafaschismusrassismusignoranzforza italienparteiparteienregierungstaatvorsitzenderkonservativsilvioberlusconiforza
Commentaires (4)
But humanity don't learn of his mistakes, in Spain for example a lot lot lot of people agree with the dictatorship of Franco...
Xavi dibuixant, au 20. October 2008 aviser repondre applause 0
sillavengo, au 20. October 2008 aviser repondre applause 0
matteo bertelli, au 19. October 2008 aviser repondre applause 0
Ciao da Paolo.
paolo lombardi, au 19. October 2008 aviser repondre applause 0