Paruntele Galeriu
#155554 / vu 4668 foisParintele Galeriu was born on 21 November 1918 in the village Răcătău-Razesi , common Răcătău, county of Bacau , family of peasants. Primary school in his native village, Theological Seminary "St. George "of Roman ( 1930 - 1938 ), Faculty of Theology in Bucharest ( 1942 ), PhD University Institute of Theology ( 1960 ), Doctor of Theology ( 1973 ).( courtesy - Wikipedia)
Commentaires (3)
menekse cam, au 01. February 2012 aviser repondre applause 0
kar2nist, au 05. January 2012 aviser repondre applause 0
edda von sinnen, au 05. January 2012 aviser repondre applause 0