#79876 / vu 7420 foisEMERGENCY is an independent and neutral organisation. Since 1999, EMERGENCY in Afghanistan has provided medical assistance free-of-charge to over 2,500,000 Afghan citizens, by establishing three surgical hospitals, a maternity centre and a network of 28 first aid posts.
On Saturday, April 10, soldiers of the Afghan army and the International Coalition Forces attacked the Emergency Surgical Centre of Lashkar-gah and arrested members of the national and international staff. Three of them are Italian citizens
Commentaires (3)
CIGDEM DEMIR, au 12. April 2010 aviser repondre applause 0
Un ABBRACCIO da Paolino.
paolo lombardi, au 11. April 2010 aviser repondre applause 0
RnRicco, au 11. April 2010 aviser repondre applause 0