Election Germany-2013
#208773 / vu 2259 foisLiebe Eddalina said 'Die Wahlen sind vorbei' They have to establish new Government now,.. Election,Poll Stations, Parties,Coalition,A.Merkel (CDU), Peer Steinbruck (spd),etc...
Politique » National/Domestic International Elections Military & Security Finances Economy & Money Environment Historical Politicians Parties Democracy
Commentaires (3)
i think it will not be that harmonious!
I share the doubts of Berti! :(
dear Gungo, your drawing is a class idea! ***** :)
edda von sinnen, au 25. September 2013 aviser repondre applause 0
zenundsenf, au 24. September 2013 aviser repondre applause 0
berti, au 24. September 2013 aviser repondre applause 0