B-Movie Comic Parodie
#82545 / vu 6790 fois• • •
Beware of "GOMRKKH", the smelly green giant menace from beyond Outer Space!!!
He is back for more & still in search of his lost leopard skin trousers here on earth.
Because nobody understands him he is very angry and he boldly smashes whatever stands in his way!
So, stay alarmed & if you find his long lost leopard skin trousers-YOU can save earth & be a real hero!
More than nuff soaped!!!
Yours truly, FeliX from AC,
your self declared TAD (Trivial Art Director);-)
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Commentaires (4)
Ridha Ridha, au 12. May 2010 aviser repondre applause 0
elle62, au 06. May 2010 aviser repondre applause 0
FeliXfromAC, au 05. May 2010 aviser repondre applause 0
MiO, au 05. May 2010 aviser repondre applause 0